One Place on the above course which is running on 12th & 13th November. Come on this course and demystify the very dark art of eeprom, coding and programming. During the course you will cover
- Eeproms – id, form, function, read, erase and programming.
- Desolder and resolder techniques and practice
- Eeproms – practical application.
- Eeproms – decoding and pin extraction.
- Eeproms – hacking, editing, virginising and cloning.
- Binary, decimal and hexadecimal.
- Required hardware, hint’s and tips.
- MCUs & eeproms.
- Protected sectors and incremental only chips.
- Checksums
- Flexray & DoIP – overview.
- A review of J2534 Pass Thru & Dealer Diag – common manufacturers’ sites, processes, application, data and costs.