First Look Pressure Pulse Analysis


The daddy of all pressure transducers.

When connected to the exhaust or vacuum side of the engine to be tested the FirstLook engine diagnostic sensors enables a mechanic to quickly display a complete picture of core engine performance on a suitable digital storage lab scope.

Combines with the relative compression test, this bad boy will have your engine mechanical issues diagnosed in short with a minimum of component stripping.

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The FirstLook Engine Diagnostic Sensor offers a fast and accurate method to diagnose automotive engine problems such as burnt valves, bad injectors and other performance problems without major disassembly of the engine.

When connected to the exhaust or vacuum side of the engine to be tested the FirstLook engine diagnostic sensors enables technicians to quickly display a complete picture of core engine performance on a suitable oscilloscope.

This pressure pulse sensor detects pulse waves through the exhaust or intake side of the engine. Each engine produces a predictable pattern of these pulses which can easily be displayed on your oscilloscope. The pressure pulse wave is detected, measured and Firstlook sends a signal to the oscilloscope. Changes or irregularities in the pressure pulse pattern can be linked to problems within the engine.

Firstlook can also be used to detect fuel system errors on both petrol and diesel systems as well.

The FirstLook sensor requires no external power source and is particularly suitable for use with a PicoScope automotive oscilloscope but can also be used with most other modern lab scopes.